Welcome to Our Reading Room
The Reading Room at Third Church is an oasis of spiritual quiet and calm where you may “be still.” It’s a place to be free of distractions. Clear your head. Refocus. We offer many spiritual resources, starting with the Bible and the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, to help you find healing solutions in your life. Here, in a supportive atmosphere of prayer and meditation, it’s easy to open up to divine influences.
Available to the public, we invite you to use our free resources and study in a “clean, well-lighted place.” You are welcome to borrow or purchase the Bible, books and magazines on spirituality, as well as inspiring music CDs. Our space is equipped with media and technology designed to quench one’s thirst for deeper spiritual understanding and healing. Focused study of the Bible, the writings of Mary Baker Eddy, and the thousands of accounts of Christian Science healing guarantee progress towards a greater understanding of you and your relationship with God.
Explore Products in Our Reading Room
Here is a sampling of the catalogue of metaphysical and spiritual books, magazines and music that we offer. Each product listed takes you to a link where you may further explore and even purchase online. You can be sure to find these items here in our Reading Room —
and there’s so much more to discover too!
The Bible, King James Version
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures
The Christian Science Bible Lesson
The Christian Science Journal
The Christian Science Sentinel
The Herald of Christian Science — Spanish Edition
The Christian Science Monitor
Be Still and Know
Concord Online
Concord Online is a Christian Science study resource which allows you to search the Bible and the writings of Mary Baker Eddy. Its interface also allows the user to annotate the texts and take notes as well as cross reference passages in the Bible which appear in the writing of Mary Baker Eddy. This is an indispensable tool for any sincere seeker of Truth. Learn more at ConcordWorks
You can call the reading room at 212-838-2855.
Our Reading Room is located at our church, at 583 Park Avenue, NYC.