Group Bible Study meets this Sunday, March 6th at 1:00pm to read and discuss chapters 25 and 26 in the book of Acts. We hope you’ll join us for a lively discussion and close read of this text!
Almost nothing in the New Testament stirred up as much controversy over such a long period of time as Paul’s seemingly endless trial. In some ways it mirrors the trial of Jesus where the Jewish and Roman authorities clash over the question whether or not he was even guilty of a crime. The difference in Paul’s case is that this question is debated ad nauseam for years on end. This Jews held strong beliefs that were being challenged by Christianity, and Paul was at the center of this religious revolution. In chapter 26 Paul said to those gathered to hear his arguments “Why does it seem incredible to any of you that God can raise the dead?” Paul was teaching that life is spiritual and therefore immortal, as Jesus proved. These teachings opposed the traditional practice of Judaism, which at the time was largely rooted in material customs and ceremonies. Paul wrote in his letter to the Christian church in Rome “to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.” This type or rhetoric infuriated the religious leaders who made their living on the rituals Paul said were unnecessary.
Come to Bible Study this Sunday and find out what happens in the endless trial of Paul!
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