What was Jesus’ resurrection teaching us about life? Probably much more than we realize. This Easter we will share an in-depth look at the resurrection in a talk titled “What Is Resurrection–Thinking?” by Brian Webster. We hope you will join us and explore the resurrection thinking that helps us triumph over the flesh
Please join us in person on Good Friday, March 29th at 3 West 51st Street, close to 5th Avenue: 3rd Floor – Grand Salon . The talk will begin at 7:30 PM EDT preceded by inspirational Easter music at 7:15 PM EDT.

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Watch for Easter updates on our website.
You are always welcome at our Sunday services and Sunday School: in English at 11:00 AM EDT and Spanish at 12:00 PM EDT, and Wednesday meetings in Spanish at 5:30 PM EDT and in English at 7:30 PM EDT.
Please visit ThirdChurchNYC.com to learn more about our church and visit christianscience.com for more information about Christian Science.
Feel free to contact us at 212-838-1870. We hope you will join us!
Good Friday Program:
7:15 pm EDT:
Music by Jenny Lynn Stewart & Todd Peters
Introduction – Jackie Draper
7:30 pm EDT:
“What Is Resurrection–Thinking?” – Brian Webster
In English and Spanish
We will provide a live simultaneous Spanish translation for Spanish speakers.
Video Replay
This Good Friday event will be available to view, share and enjoy immediately after the program.
Brian Webster

Brian Webster is a devoted Christian Scientist, active church member, and business entrepreneur. He has served his church in many capacities, including First and Second Reader, Sunday school teacher and board member. You may be familiar with his frequent contributions to the Christian Science periodicals and Daily Lifts.
Brian began his professional career as a high school science teacher, then transitioned into the business world where he worked in marketing for a number of years. Over the last 20 years he helped start and manage several small businesses. He is currently Director of Development for Peace Haven Association, a Christian Science care facility in Saint Louis, Missouri that provides practical care for those relying solely on prayer for healing.
Brian and his wife, Celia, live in Ballwin, Missouri, and have two grown children. In his spare time, Brian is an avid biker, tennis player, musician, and outdoorsman.
Jenny Lynn Stewart

Jenny Lynn Stewart has been Third Church’s soloist for more than 10 years. Jenny grew up in Detroit Michigan. She earned a Bachelor of Music degree in voice performance from The University of Michigan. Jenny made her Carnegie Hall debut as the soprano soloist in Dvorak’s Requiem. She has toured the United States and the world in such Rodgers and Hammerstein classics as Carousel (Nettie Fowler) and The Sound of Music (The Mother Abbess) with fellow artists including Marie Osmond, John Davidson, and Patrick Cassidy.
About Todd Peters
Todd is happy to serve Third Church as its organist. He has two advanced degrees, one from Indiana University and the other from Southern Methodist University. Mr. Peters has been an theatre director, coach, teacher, and organist starting as a teenager in his hometown church in the Midwest.

About the Music
Introit on Easter Hymn – words by Llyod Larson and Charles Wesley, 1739
Arranged with New Music by Lloyd Larson – Incorporating: Easter Hymn from Lyra Davidica
God’s Power Within Us – written by J. Paul Williams and Joseph Martin
music by Joseph Martin, contains elements of the Christian Science Hymnal No. 86 – Coronation c.m. by Oliver Holden & Frederick W. Faber.
Christ has Risen – written by Duane Nicols – music by Brigette Shevy