Testimony Meeting 9/9

Oneness 9.9.15When Jesus began his healing and teaching ministry, many of the lessons he taught drew criticism from the religious leaders of the time.  But one lesson in particular got stuck in their craw a little more than the others: when Jesus said “I and my Father are one.”  Think about it, when Jesus said that he was one with God, this threatened the authority of the Rabbis and the Roman rulers who said their authority was divine.  What made Jesus able to claim this oneness with the Father?  And how does his claim effect our relationship with God?

Jesus had an understanding of the nature of God that surpassed those around him.  He understood that man’s being is entirely derived from God, and that as spiritual ideas, we reflect the divine nature.  In the same way that a drop of water is one with the ocean, or a ray of light is one with the sun, Jesus knew that he was one with God.  Jesus showed us that God is infinite and omnipresent, meaning that nothing exists apart from God, good.  That means that in the same way Jesus claimed that he was one with the Father, we can know that we are one with the Father, and we can demonstrate this oneness in the form of healing.  Jesus said “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do;” (John 14:12).  So in our daily walk with God, as we claim God’s goodness, purity, and perfection for ourselves in the way Jesus did,  we can follow the master’s command “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.” (Matthew 10:8).

This Wednesday, September 9th our Wednesday evening testimony meeting is all about our oneness with God.  Join us at 7:30pm for readings from the Bible and the Christian Science Textbook as well as testimonies of healing.

Can’t come in person? Join us on the phone:

Dial-in Number: 1-310-372-7549
Access Code: 607611

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