Lecture at 10th Church

Tenth Church Lect 9.19.13On Thursday, September 19th, Christian Science lecturer Mary Alice Rose will be giving a talk at Tenth Church of Christ, Scientist, titled “The Science of Christianity.”  This talk explores Christian Science from the perspective of someone with a background in physical science.  It discusses the discovery of Christian Science as being rooted in the scientific method and emphasizes reliance on spiritual law.  It draws parallels between how physical scientists approach the subjects they study and how individuals approach the study of Christian Science.  Several examples of physical healing are included.

Before becoming a full-time Christian Science practitioner and teacher, Mary Alice Rose had a 20-year career in different areas of applied physical science.  Her work ranged from a meteorologist for the National Severe Storms Laboratory to a manager developing the ground system for the Hubble Space Telescope.

Please join us for this unique event, starting at 7:00pm!  We hope to see you there.

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