Gratitude For Our Roof

As the summer quickly draws to a close, we have much to be grateful for. It’s been out with the old and in with the new for our flat roofs and windows. We have received two matching grants from The New York Landmarks Conservancy’s Sacred Sites Program, among others, and we are hopeful to have more matching grant opportunities in the future to leverage the incredible support of all of our donors and double your gifts.

While work on the flat roofs and windows will continue into the fall, we are already looking ahead to the massive amount of work scheduled for next year, including renovation of the slate roof and masonry. Now more than ever, we need your support. The mercury in our fundraising thermometer has been steadily rising, but we have a ways to go until we reach our goal.

Please consider a tax-deductible donation to our Roof and Exterior Repair Fund. Any amount you can contribute will help us as we continue to apply for funding from foundations and matching grants.

Click Here To Donate

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