This Christmas Eve we invite you, our friends all around the world, to join us for a free Christian Science talk to be given by Tony Lobl, CS at Third Church, NYC. It will be broadcast online in both English and Spanish (Español). Through Tony’s new talk “GOD’S GIFT TO US ALL – HUMILITY,” we’ll explore the healing power of this essential quality. We’ll rediscover with Tony, the Christmas story through the lens of humility and how it can bring healing to your life.
At 7:00 pm, New York vocalists Tanesha Gary, John James, and Andricka Hall will sing carols and songs of Christmas. At 7:30 pm, Tony Lobl will begin his inspiring talk.
For those who are able, PLEASE JOIN US IN PERSON, as we experience together the child-like anticipation and wonder which Christmas Eve brings. Listen to angelic voices singing timeless songs of Christmas and receive the gift found in Tony’s healing talk about humility and the Christ Child.
We invite those who cannot attend to WATCH THE ONLINE WEBCASTat or listen via conference phone at (310) 372-7549, access code 607611.
Since 1965, Tony Lobl has dedicated himself to the full time practice of Christian Science healing. He has written hundreds of articles and broadcasts published by the Christian Science Publishing Society. His articles have also been published in other publications including the Huffington Post UK, The Independent, The Guardian, etc. Tony is currently serving as the Associate Editor for the Journal, Sentinel, and Herald and on the Christian Science Board of Lectureship.
Tanesha Gary is a multi-faceted performer who has worked on Broadway and in the recording industry. She has shared the stage with Patti LaBelle, Oleta Adams & Josh Groban. She is a member of the Grammy-nominated Broadway Inspirational Voices. Recently, she was a featured vocalist in the NYC production “Is Anybody Listening” starring Jenny Burton and Julia Wade and directed by Peter Link. Tanesha performs as a guest soloist at Third Church.
John James is a prolific vocalist and songwriter who has performed and recorded with industry Icons including Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, Elton John, Aretha Franklin, Jessie Norman, Sting, Paul Simon, Billy Joel, Adele and many others. He has also performed with many Gospel artists like BeBe Winans, Yolanda Adams, and Amy Grant. John has recorded and performed with Watchfire Music Artists The Jenny Burton Experience and Julia Wade.
Andricka Hall is an experienced vocalist who has performed on stages across the globe. She has worked, recorded and toured with artists Alicia Keys, Joan Osborne, John Legend, Diana Ross, Joe Cocker, Taylor Swift, Annie Lennox, Freddie Jackson, and numerous others. She has performed numerous voice-overs for TV and Radio jingles. Andricka has worked with Watchfire Music on the Jenny Burton Experience.
Third Church is committed to sharing this healing Christmas eve message to audiences worldwide. Please share this email with a friend so they can join us too. Donations for the evening’s festivities are gratefully accepted. Click here to donate today.
Sincerely, The Members of Third Church of Christ, Scientist, New York City
Queridos amigos,
Esta Nochebuena queremos invitarlos a ustedes y a todos nuestros amigos alrededor del mundo a una conferencia de la Ciencia Cristiana, por Tony Lobl, en Tercera Iglesia de New York City (Third Church, New York City). Esta conferencia será transmitida en vivo en inglés y en español.
A través de esta conferencia “LA HUMILDAD – EL REGALO DE DIOS PARA TODOS NOSOSTROS”, Tony nos ayudará a explorar el poder sanador de esta esencial cualidad de humildad. También descubriremos la historia de la Navidad a través de los lentes de la humildad y verémos cómo esta humildad puede traer curación en nuestras vidas.
A las 7:00 de la noche los vocalistas Tanesha Gary, John James y Andricka Hall interpretarán música navideña. A las de la noche Tony empezará su plática inspiradora.
Esta es una oportunidad para experimentar como niños la maravillosa expectativa de la Nochebuena, escuchando canciones Navideñas en las voces angelicales de nuestros invitados y recibiendo el regalo de esta conferencia sanadora que Tony nos compartirá trayéndonos el mensaje de la humildad y del niño Cristo Jesús.
Esperamos compartir este momento con usted en persona, pero si esto no es posible ACOMPÁÑENOS A TRAVÉS DE LA TRANSMISÍON EN LÍNEA en, o escúchenos por teléfona. marque (917) 962-0650, utilizando el código de acceso 155626.
Desde 1965, Tony Lobl se ha dedicado su tiempo completo a la práctica de la curación de la Ciencia Cristiana. Él ha escrito cientos de artículos y participado en emisiones transmitidas por la sociedad Editorial de la Ciencia Cristiana. Sus artículos también han sido publicados en el Huffington Post de Inglaterra, The Independent, The Guardian, etc.. Actualmente Tony es Editor Asociado para el Journal, el Sentinel, y el Heraldo de la Ciencia Cristiana además de ser miembro del Cuerpo de Conferenciantes de esta misma entidad.
Tanesha Gary es una polifacética intérprete quien ha trabajado en Broadway, en la industria discográfica y ha compartido el escenario con Patti LaBelle, Oleta Adamns y Josh Groban. También es miembro del “Grammy-nominated Broadway Inspirational Voices.” Recientemente ella fue vocalista principal en la producción en NYC “ Is Anybody Listening” protagonizando conjuntamente con Jenny Burton y Julia Wade y dirigidos por Peter Link. Tanesha ha sido solista invitada en Tercera Iglesia (Third Church)
John James es un prolífico vocalista y compositor quien ha interpretando y grabando con iconos de la industria como Stevie Wonder, Michel Jackson, Elton John, Aretha Franklin, Jessie Norman, Sting, Paul Simon, Billy Joel, Adele y muchos otros. También ha cantado con muchos artistas de música espiritual (Gospel) como BeBe Winans, Yolanda Adams, y Amy Grant. John ha grabado e interpretado con Watchfire Music Astist, The Tonny Burton Experinece y Julia Wade.
Andricka Hall es una vocalista con gran experiencia llevándola a escenarios de todo el mundo. Ella ha trabajado, grabado y estado en gira con artistas como Alicia Keys, Joan Osborne, John Legend, Diana Ross, Joe Cocker, Taylor Swift, Annie Lennox, Freddie Jackson y muchos más. También ha participado en doblajes de voces para la TV y la radio. Andricka ha trabajado con Watchfire Music en el Jenny Burton Experience.
Tercera Iglesia tiene el deseo de compartir este mensaje de curación de la Nochebuena por todo el mundo. Por favor comparta este correo electrónico con sus amigos y conocidos para que ellos también nos puedan acompañar.
This will be the 3rd year we will invite Third Church Christ Scientist New York City into our home for Christmas Eve. We set up the event through our big screen smart TV and enjoy the message like we are right there with you. Thank you for this wonderful gift of Love that we can share with the world.
We are so grateful and happy that you will be joining us again and that you will be sharing this on your TV with others!! Thank you for all your support!
Yes! The Lecture should be available shortly after the live broadcast (unless there are any technical difficulties). You should have it Christmas morning when you wake up in the UK. Hope you can join in watching the replay and sharing with your friends and family!
Yes God is with us anywhere, everywhere and anytime we mention the Lords name. In Jesus name i trust . It shall be well in Jesus Christ Name. If u believe say Amen?
[…] for some spiritual ideas to focus on tonight, here’s a reminder of Tony Lobl’s webcast Christmas Eve talk, accompanied by music appropriate for the occasion (music 6:45pm, talk 7:30pm, live in NYC = […]
This will be the 3rd year we will invite Third Church Christ Scientist New York City into our home for Christmas Eve. We set up the event through our big screen smart TV and enjoy the message like we are right there with you. Thank you for this wonderful gift of Love that we can share with the world.
Dear Carra,
We are so grateful and happy that you will be joining us again and that you will be sharing this on your TV with others!! Thank you for all your support!
Dear Friends,
Thanks, many thanks for your loving invitation.
I´m seeing that the date appearing does not coincide with Friday which is dated the 23th this month of December, 2016.
Is this very good lecture going to be in Friday or Saturday?
I´ll appreciate an info for the exact date of the lecture.
Thanks again, and love.
Hi Clara! The date of the lecture is Dec 24th – which is a Saturday! Thank you for checking and we look forward to you joining us for the lecture!
Thanks, many thanks for your kind reply.
much love.
Will the lecture be available online afterwards? It’s quite a difficult time for many in the UK! Thanks for offering it to us!
Hi Margaret,
Yes! The Lecture should be available shortly after the live broadcast (unless there are any technical difficulties). You should have it Christmas morning when you wake up in the UK. Hope you can join in watching the replay and sharing with your friends and family!
God Bless you for this service! I am fro Ethiopia
Hi Abebe, thank you for your words! We sincerely hope you can join us to hear this message!
I am also not able to join at that time. Where can I find the replay? Thanks!
A replay will be on
Yes God is with us anywhere, everywhere and anytime we mention the Lords name. In Jesus name i trust . It shall be well in Jesus Christ Name. If u believe say Amen?
Thank you Konadu for your prayerful support! We hope you can join us!
Amen Amen Amen
Thank you
You are most welcome! We hope you can join us on the Webcast!
simplemente gracias.desde caracas Venezuela .
¡Esperamos que pueda unirse a nosotros!
All Christians have to wake up to and be part of God Providence today.We need to know what is God secret.Thanks
Thank you for reply – God is teaching each of us about his Spiritual world.
I hope you can join us on Christmas Eve!
[…] for some spiritual ideas to focus on tonight, here’s a reminder of Tony Lobl’s webcast Christmas Eve talk, accompanied by music appropriate for the occasion (music 6:45pm, talk 7:30pm, live in NYC = […]
Thank you for sharing! Hope you can join us.
[…] […]
IS there a way to find the podcast on you tube to share?
Truth, Wisdom, Love and Sincerity, to ALL Mankind.
Rob Scott
Oaxaca, Mexico
The recording is available on our website –
Happy New Year!
IS there a way to find this podcast on you tube to share?
Truth, Wisdom, Love and Sincerity, to ALL Mankind.
Rob Scott
Oaxaca, Mexico
The recording is available on our website –
Happy New Year!
Dear Rob, you can find a re-play of the Christmas Eve Lecture on our website at
You can also find it on YouTube directly here: