1. Amy Jo Southard
    Amy Jo Southard at

    Looking forward to hearing the Music and Lecture on Tuesday.

    1. Third Church
      Third Church at

      Thank you, Amy Jo! We’re so glad that you will be joining us! Christmas blessings to you and yours!

  2. Dottie and Dan Lehuta
    Dottie and Dan Lehuta at

    Love to you, Osceola – from our Boston days when you were soloist at The Mother Church and all those Fourth of July concerts (on July 3rd – to beat the crowds!) We love the idea of hearing you again at this lecture! Have a wonderful Christmas and much progress in the coming year.

    Warmly – Dottie and Dan

    1. Third Church
      Third Church at

      Hi Dottie and Dan,
      We will make sure that Osceola gets your sweet message. We are so happy to present her inspired artistry as part of our Christmas event this year. Thanks for reaching out to say hello to her!
      With warm Christmas love to you from the members of Third Church

  3. Kathy McGuill
    Kathy McGuill at

    How do you get into the lecture, west coast time at 4:30 on your computer? Do you have to be a member of JSH, or can anyone listen. Could you let me know how to listen to this?

    1. Third Church
      Third Church at

      Hi Kathy,

      You can join us live online for the webcast of this event at

      or directly on our YouTube channel:

      Our pre-lecture music with Metropolitan Opera Artist Osceola Davis begins at 7:00 pm and Mark’s talk will begin at 7:30 pm

      Just click into either the home page of our website, or to the youtube URL listed above and you will be able to join the broadcast.

      You do not have to be a member of JSH. Anyone can view the broadcast and and listen in.

      Also for those with no internet connection, we are providing a conference call-in number:

      Conference Call #: 1-310-372-7549*
      Conference Code: 607611

      Call the conference phone number above and enter the conference code to hear the event live on the phone:

      *Please note that standard long distance rates apply.

      Thanks so much for your interest! Enjoy and Merry Christmas!

  4. I pray that GOD will bless you and your family , in Jesus mighty name ,,,,,AMEN

    1. Third Church
      Third Church at

      Christmas Blessings to you, your family and your community, Kwadwo. Thank you so much for visiting our website. We hope that you and your loved ones will be able to join in and view the webcast on Tuesday beginning at 7:pm EST.
      With warm Christ love to you,
      The Members at Third

  5. Merri McElderry
    Merri McElderry at

    A true Christmas gift for the world: a message of divine Love combined with song and rejoicing. How blessed we are to be students of this glorious Christian Science ,and to bear witness to its ever increasing unfoldment worldwide. Thank You!

    1. Third Church
      Third Church at

      Thank you for sharing your inspiring thoughts, Merri! Truly, we are all blessed by this glorious Christian Science, the world over. It’s a privilege to be able to share it with one another and with folks in every land. “See you” on Tuesday! Merry Christmas!

      1. C
        C at

        Merry Christmas and thank you so much for that wonderful evening of healing inspiration! Will we be able to access the recorded lecture?

        1. Third Church
          Third Church at

          Hi C! You’re so welcome. It’s our joy to be able to give this gift. We are not able to rebroadcast the lecture due to technical difficulties. Here’s more info on this: https://thirdchurchnyc.com//blog/status-of-the-re-broadcast/

  6. What a beautiful gift to the world..A delight to share and spread the light and LOVE! Thank you 3rd Church NYC. I attended your church for several months while in NYC when I was 17.

    1. Third Church
      Third Church at

      Hi Carra,
      Wow! How wonderful to know that you have some history with Third Church! We look forward to meeting you in person one day when you visit NYC again! Thank you for your joyful support of this lecture event! Happy New Year!

  7. […] This Christmas, enjoy a Christian Science talk given by Mark Swinney live, online, with the world.  Mark’s brand new talk, “The Christmas Message – The Christ, Connecting Prayer With Healing” explores how the power of God’s love brings inspiration and healing to our lives. Learn more — including web and phone access info — at thirdchurchnyc.com/blog/the-christmas-message/ […]

    1. Third Church
      Third Church at

      Thank you, First Church of Christ, Scientist, Olympia, WA, for sharing our “Christmas Message” lecture info with your community. We’re so grateful!

  8. Wally Wethe
    Wally Wethe at

    Will this be recorded so I might watch/listen as a podcast at a later time?

    1. Third Church
      Third Church at

      Dear Wally, we hope that you were able to see or listen in to some of the live presentation. Due to technical difficulties, we will not be rebroadcasting the event this year. You can read more about it on our latest blog post: https://thirdchurchnyc.com//blog/status-of-the-re-broadcast/ Thanks so very much for your interest and support.

  9. Anna Lisa
    Anna Lisa at

    Thank you so much, friends at Third Church, for sharing this so widely! I was so grateful to hear (and see) it on my phone in California. It was a true gift of the best kind. Blessings to you all!

  10. Suzy
    Suzy at

    thank you, Third Church, NYC, for this absolutely wonderful gift to the world! Thank you, Mark and Osceola! Many wonderful spiritual truths to guide us this Christmas and always

    1. Third Church
      Third Church at

      Thank you, Suzy! We’re so grateful that you were able to attend Third’s “Christmas Message” lecture event! You are so right — the truths gleaned from Mark’s and Osceola’s presentations are not only for Christmas, but for every day of the year! Blessings!

  11. Chris
    Chris at

    Thank you Mark for sharing and reflecting the kindness of God, it’s a wonderful gift, Merry Christmas, “Fill us today with all thou art!”

    1. Third Church
      Third Church at

      Hi Chris, we are so grateful for your comments on Mark’s inspirational talk this year at Third. We will make sure that he gets your message. Wishing you a joyful New Year!

  12. Beth Thomas
    Beth Thomas at

    Thanks to Third Church, New York, for sponsoring the inspiring event on December 23, and for making available to the world through the Internet! Will it be possible to watch a rebroadcast?

    1. Third Church
      Third Church at

      Hi Beth, we’re so grateful for your interest and support of this healing message. We regret to tell you that the lecture is not available for a rebroadcast. Here is our blog post to tell you more: https://thirdchurchnyc.com//blog/status-of-the-re-broadcast/
      With gratitude!

  13. Christine
    Christine at

    The lecture was outstanding! Thank you, thank you! I noticed the replay was posted following the live event but it’s no longer available. Are there plans to post it again so it can be shared?

    1. Third Church
      Third Church at

      Hi Christine! Thanks so much for your comment. Due to technical difficulties, we are unable to rebroadcast Third’s Christmas Eve Lecture. We just posted about it, and you can read about it in our latest blog post: https://thirdchurchnyc.com//blog/status-of-the-re-broadcast/
      We’re so grateful for your interest and support!

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