Spiritual Solutions for Today’s Challenges on
Welcome to SPIRITUAL SOLUTIONS FOR TODAY’S CHALLENGES, a special series airing on Sunday nights beginning on October 6th, 2024 through November 24th, 2024 at 8:03 PM, or shortly after the top of the hour station break. Each program will feature an inspirational speaker, who will help us see the world through a spiritual lens. The uplifting, strengthening ideas you’ll hear can support and heal you, your relationships, your government, and the world.

This fall Third Church of Christ, Scientist, NYC and other Christian Science Churches in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut invite you to a series of weekly Sunday night inspirational radio talks from October 6, 2024 to November 24, 2024, at 8:03 PM on WOR 710AM
“SPIRITUAL SOLUTIONS FOR TODAY’S CHALLENGES” will help you to discover spiritual laws that define God as love and God’s loving government of us.
The experienced, internationally-based speakers are members of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship.
See our website at ThirdChurchNYC.com for more details and for links to the programs. We have included invitations to share with your friends or post on bulletin boards.
You are always welcome at our Sunday services, in English at 11:00 am and in Spanish at 12:00 pm, and our Wednesday meetings in Spanish at 6:30 pm and in English at 7:30 pm. You can also visit christianscience.com for more information about Christian Science, or ThirdChurchNYC.com to learn more about our church.
For more information, contact us at 212-838-1870. We hope you can join us!
Listen live: WOR 710 AM 8:03 PM wor710.com/spiritualsolutions

Alexandre Fischer, CS
During his years as a lawyer, his interest in Christian Science grew. At first, he was impressed by its remarkable healings and resolutions, but as he dug deeper, he found a profound spirituality. He used to believe that religion and spirituality meant accepting a system of beliefs and letting go of discernment and critical thinking. But the more he studied and practiced this spirituality, the more he found that one’s relationship with God requires critical thinking to understand spiritual concepts. These concepts can in turn be applied to one’s life to bring healing.
Member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship
Edwina Aubin, CSB
Looking back over the steps in her career and development as Christian, Edwina feels a sense of order and progress stemming from her love of God and desire to help others. In her late twenties, Edwina found Christian Science and this opened her understanding to a new view of healthcare. She was a sincere Christian who had been searching for a deeper understanding of God, which had led her to numerous denominations. Early on in her study of Christian Science, she was satisfied it could answer all of her questions about God and healing. And it has proved to be so, many years later.
Member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship

Nate Frederick, CS
Experiencing first-hand the healing power of Love is Nate’s favorite thing. It’s what makes him tick. Nate studied religion and perennial philosophy at Hampshire College where he was introduced to Christian Science healing. Although he was enamored with the academic exploration of spirituality, what he truly desired most was to practice spirituality in a tangible way — he wanted to experience God and heal others. This deeper sense of purpose led Nate to become a full-time Christian Science practitioner, who helps others find healing. In his lectures, Nate enjoys sharing how, in his eyes, healing through prayer is life’s greatest adventure.
Member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship
Giulia Nesi Tetreau, CSB
I’ve always loved people—their life stories, their struggles, their successes. I regularly meet individuals actively cultivating their spiritual life. And I love sharing Science and Health with them! I see much of my own journey in these seekers. A few years into my career in the mental health field, despite having achieved professional success, I felt empty inside. I had everything I’d been taught would make me happy but instead was dissatisfied and restless, yearning for something deeper. That’s when I was introduced to Christian Science through Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by religious reformer, Mary Baker Eddy. In it, I found a shared sacred space with the author and experienced a profound sense of coming home.
Member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship